The Gray Nation is PSP Strong

Gray Nation

Learn how you can support the men and women of the Gray Nation who have dedicated their lives to protecting Pennsylvania and its residents. Visit >

Hockey tournament raises funds for troopers, families

The Troopers Helping Troopers Foundation hosted its second annual invitational hockey tournament to benefit Troopers and their families who may be facing difficult circumstances. Following the opening ceremonies, teams from Pennsylvania, the New York City Department of Correction (NYCD Boldest), New Jersey State Police (NJSP), the Warthogs Veterans from Pittsburgh, and the Warriors from Philadelphia…

Epic Nerf Gun Battle

Thank you to Troopers Goodall, Gagliardi, Crivelli and Barravecchio from the Washington Barracks for playing in Trooper Joshua’s latest nerf gun battle at Children’s Hospital. Joshua is battling Krabbes disease. You can read more about his journey here:

2nd Annual PSTA Toy Drive

The PSTA would like to thank those that contributed their time, toys and financial support towards this years FOP/PSTA Toy Drive. On December 16, 2019 Troopers from across the Commonwealth gathered to distribute toys to our fallen Brothers and Sisters. We would like to thank PA FOP Toy Drive Coordinator James Harrity for his time…

NTC Partners with CABT

The National Troopers Coalition (NTC) takes positions on important issues that affect the safety of our members. To further these goals, the NTC partners with other groups to make sure we are successful. One important issue we weighin on is opposing bigger and heavier trucks on our nationsroadways. The organization that has led the way…

Sunny Day Camp appreciation award

On May 21, 2019, Corporal Minnucci presented PSTA  president David Kennedy with an award of appreciation.   Sunny Day Camp began in 2016 and was the vision of Pennsylvania State Police Corporal Samantha Minnucci. Sunny Day Camp was created and implemented in Chester County, PA. Through its huge success it is currently being expanded across the…

PSTA issues statement regarding passing of Trooper Donald C. Brackett

Trooper Donald C. Brackett

Pennsylvania State Troopers Association (PSTA) President David Kennedy today issued the following statement regarding the passing of Trooper First Class Donald C. Brackett. “Our prayers and condolences go to the family of Trooper Donald C. Brackett. Trooper Brackett will forever be remembered as an extraordinary individual and a hero. Trooper Brackett’s oath was to serve…

UPMC plan to restrict health care benefits for Pa. troopers is flat-out wrong

Pennsylvania state troopers accept the dangers of their job. So do our loved ones. It’s the price we pay for seeking to serve our communities. But we cannot accept when a so-called nonprofit tries to restrict the health care benefits for active and retired troopers and their families. That’s exactly what will happen if behemoth…

PA Jeer, Cheer Supreme Court Union Ruling

Pennsylvania unions and business groups react to today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that said government employees cannot be forced to contribute money to unions that represent their respective work sectors. Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf:  “The Court’s decision is a major step backward for working families and the middle class. For generations, unions in our country…

Keeping up to speed: Local law enforcement officials want radar for speed enforcement

In the U.S., only one of the 50 states does not allow local police to use radar to enforce speed limits. You’re living in it. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State Police do use radar. But by law, municipal police may not use radar, even though it is much more efficient than the line of sight timing (LOST…

Important Announcement